Saturday, March 16, 2013

Stand in Awe

"I stand in awe of Your deeds, O Lord..."  Hab. 3:2
When I take time to reflect on the wondrous works of the Lord this year, I can only stand in awe.  Our trips to prisons, jails, and correctional centers in Florida, California, and Nevada have produced "God-moments" where the only thing a person can do is to stop and be in awe of the Lord.
His presence, His love, His healing have been more pronounced and powerful than I can remember in our seven years of going into prison.  It is more than the numbers, more than the new facilities we have visited, more than they physical healings and salvations and breakthroughs that we witnessed a year ago.  This year it is deep level healing and restoration, lifetimes of unforgiveness giving way under the outstretched arms of Jesus.  It is the weeping of women as the Lord ministers directly to those who are ready to receive.  It is times of silence that produce deliverances, revelations, and pure worship.  It is something to behold.
Lives of incarcerated women are blooming in the desert out in California and Nevada.  There is hope in Florida.  I have seen returning citizens who are doing well, handling responsibility, and moving forward with their lives. 
We prepare next for ministry in Washington, DC, West Virginia, and Virginia.  Our schedule includes a meeting of OSL Collaborators at Prison Fellowship and an appointment with the Director of Programs to Stop Human Trafficking at Salvation Army.  The topic of sex slavery, human trafficking and its impacts is rising to the surface in many facilities, where we are having conversations about it.  We also will be conducting seminars at the following women's facilities in April:
April 6th - Correctional Treatment Facility, Washington DC
April 8th - SFF Hazelton, WV
April 9th - OSL Meeting, Prison Fellowship, VA
April 10th - Salvation Army Meeting, VA and Fluvanna Correctional, VA
April 11th - Deerfield Work Camp, VA
April 12th - Brunswick Reception Center, VA
Lord, we stand in awe of Your works.


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