Grace and Peace
"Grace to you and peace be multiplied." 1 Peter 1:2This is a wonderful prayer. Peter writes to the "pilgrims of the Dispersion" and if we are carefully tuned in, perhaps we can sense the Lord praying this for us today: grace and peace be multiplied to you.
The prayer is for a multiplication effect. In the Kingdom addition and subtraction are replaced by multiplication and division. Here the request is made for something to be multiplied in the lives of people. We can think about how much peace we have in our lives now and then just meditate upon that peace being multiplied. So often distraction can bring division, but meditation upon the things of God with the help of the Holy Spirit can result in multiplication.
Next we notice what the prayer is asking to be multiplied. These are things not material. Some may call them ethereal, others spiritual. Peter is asking for grace and peace to be multiplied. If we think about it, this is a scandalous prayer! May grace be multiplied to us - grace meaning when we get what we do not deserve. I don't deserve forgiveness, but grace provides for it. All the benefits of the shed blood of Jesus - that is abundant grace - and the prayer is for a multiplication of it.
So it is with peace. The Greek word for peace is 'eirene' and the name Irene is connected to it. The word means calmness, tranquility, and absence from strife. Such peace extends beyond us to our relationships with others, as evidenced by Jesus the Prince of Peace, coming to bring peace, reconciliation, and restoration to broken relationships. Yes - this kind of peace - multiplied.
Beloved, may grace and peace be multiplied to you this day!
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