Saturday, April 14, 2018

April 14th, 2018

The Goodness of God

“Taste and see that the Lord is good.”  Ps. 34:8

Let the Lord speak to you today:

“I have chosen you and selected you.  You are My child, the apple of My eye.  You are hidden under My wing.  I delight in you.  All that I do for you is good.  It is for your good.  Come away with Me.  Come to the place where you can cast your cares upon Me.  Lean into Me, for I cover you with My goodness.  I know every hurt and pain and disappointment.  I am your Advocate.
You are special to Me because of all the thought and care I put into you.  I made you a very particular way.  I put into you an understanding of My justice.  You stand up for what is right in My eyes.  I put a deep desire for truth in you.  You have discovered, and are discovering still, that contained within My justice system is love and compassion.  You are in spiritual law school, learning the spirit of the law of love.
The cross is not in heaven.  The cross is an earthly station one must understand and experience in order to advance.  Each time you pass through the work of the cross, you access a new understanding and dimension of the Kingdom."

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