Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28, 2017

My Presence

“The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”  Ex. 33:14

One of the ironies about prison ministry is the closer women are to getting released, the more anxious and nervous they tend to become.  There are exceptions of course, but as a rule, it becomes noticeable among the women.  After all, it is on the one hand freedom they have so longed for, and on the other hand a world on unknowns.  Will they make it?  Will they stay clean and sober?  Will they have a job, a place to live?  Will they see their children?  Will those broken relationships be restored?  It is the land of the unknown.

We encourage the women on the day of their release to be intentional about asking Jesus to take them by the hand and go with them.  It is much like this verse, and the dialogue between Moses and God.  Moses was insistent that God’s presence go with Israel.  We want the women to be equally insistent that the presence of the Lord, not confined to a tabernacle, temple, or church structure, to go with them as they leave.

The Lord’s answer provides such great comfort and hope.  Yes, He says; His presence will go with them and He will give them rest.  They will companionship on the journey and a constant reminder they are not alone.  They will be given rest – rest from worrying too much, rest in all the decision-making they find themselves doing.  They will rest in the travels through the wilderness, much like Israel.  God’s chosen people left Egypt and entered the wilderness.  God’s presence went with them.  God’s presence goes with each woman leaving prison who asks for it.

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