Friday, September 8, 2017

September 8, 2017

Appearance of Wisdom

“These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.”  Col. 2:23

These things can be summed up by our carnal thoughts that do not line up with Christ.  They are thoughts of no eternal value.  Let’s break this verse down to identify each aspect of Paul’s message, all under the “appearance of wisdom:”

o   Self imposed religion – not true religion, but rather what is called “will-worship.”  Will worship can be defined as the actions taken because they please the worshiper, but not the Lord.  In other words, it feeds the soulish part of the person, rather than worship done “in spirit and in truth.”  It is of course all aspects of man-made religion that come from men, not from the Lord.

o   False humility – this speaks to the motivation of the heart and why we do what we do.  True humility acknowledges the need for Jesus Christ in all things. 

o   Neglect of the body – this refers to fasting which is done publicly or the results are shared publicly.  It can also refer to abasement of the body.  Unless called to fast by the Lord as a spiritual discipline – fasting will have no value or impact.  It isn’t the fast or isolation of a person that has power – it is Christ in us that has power. 

Note Paul’s sobering conclusion:  such things “are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.”  In actuality, false humility is filled with self; neglect of the body is filled with self; and self-imposed religion is filled with self.  It completely feeds the flesh, rather than applying the cross of Christ to the flesh.  It all stems from being deceived in the mind with thoughts that are not in the Kingdom. 

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