Thursday, March 8, 2018

March 8th, 2018

Out of the Darkness

“This is what the Lord says, ‘In the time of My favor I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you; I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people, to restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritances, to say to the captives, ‘Come out,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Be free!”  Isa. 49:8-9

The Bible addresses all matters of evil and darkness and shadows.  The prophet Isaiah speaks to coming out of darkness in this passage.    The Lord encourages the captives and those who are in darkness to come out and be free.

The enemy wants to keep us trapped in darkness.  He desires that we stumble in the shadows and be bound by fear, anxiety, and depression.  Jesus is the Light of the World and the last thing the enemy wants is for us to turn to Jesus, talk to Jesus, and confide in Jesus how we feel and what we are experiencing.  As Christians we are “little-lights” and so darkness does not want us confiding in Christians either.  When we share the truth about a painful experience, it is bringing the evil done in the shadows out into the light.  The light shines upon darkness and darkness cannot withstand it.  Something very powerful happens when we bring the things of the dark into the light – they are no longer hidden. 

As long as things remain in the shadows, we will have secrets.  Some have heard the words, “Don’t tell anyone.  Who will believe you?”  So secrets are kept.  When the truth invades secrets, things change.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life – He comes into our shadows and meets us at the place of deep darkness.  He can break those chains of shadows and secrets right off us, as He has been given all power and authority.  Secrets weigh us down, the truth sets us free.  If something is keeping you captive, confide in Jesus and let Him help you escape the darkness and walk into His victorious light.

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