Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 25th, 2018

Jesus in Our Midst

“He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands.”  Rev. 2:1

Jesus is viewed here as walking in the midst of the church – indeed, all of the churches!  He holds the stars, or messengers, in His right hand.  The right hand symbolizes authority and power; it is by the right hand that the whole person is claimed for the Lord!  He tells the church that He is near to them, so near that He walks in their midst.  He is in complete control!  What a comfort to know He holds us and walks in our midst. 

It is noteworthy that the word lampstand, or candlestick, is used to describe the local church.  Lampstands symbolize light, as they bring forth light.  Jesus is the bearer of light.  In this letter, He is reminding the church at Ephesus that He can give light and take it away.  Lampstands were part of God’s design of the Tabernacle of Moses, where they were located in the Holy Place.  The Holy Place had no windows or openings, and the light in a dark place was brought forth by the lampstand.  There were also tables of showbread in the Holy Place.  We recognize Jesus as the Bread of Life.  The tables could only be seen by the illumination of the light from the lamp stands.  From this we gain an understanding that it is only through the light of the Holy Spirit that we clearly see and discern the word of God.    

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