Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May 2nd, 2018

God’s Response

“Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear”.  Isa. 65:24

Here is a snapshot from the trip to Washington, where we spent time with 17 women talking about human trafficking. The stories were vivid, candid, raw and direct. One young woman shared this:

"This life is all I have known: prostitution, pimps, and beatings. I've been doing this for over ten years. Since being locked up, I started to talk to God about another way for me to live. I asked God for a way out of this life and then I heard about this class on human trafficking.  Now I know God has heard me.”

What you don't see is the look on her face as she is expressing this to the group. Her eyes are directed toward the floor, with an occasional glance up. She seemed bewildered and amazed as she talked, realizing right then and there that God was listening and did care about her. She was having a breakthrough in her life.  She finished speaking and others in the room shared how God matched this young woman's cries on the West Coast with a ministry's desire to provide information, located on the East Coast. They all looked astonished, as if God had performed a special miracle of connecting us together on that day. At that the young woman was undone. As tears streamed down her face, she softly said, "Maybe it's time."

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