Thursday, November 30, 2017

November 30, 2017

This Truth

“Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.”  John 20:1

From this moment on

The meaning is new

Skies once darkened

Now bright and blue.

The tomb is empty

The stone is moved

Death became life

This is Your Truth

No words were needed

To try and explain

The impossible made possible

One man’s loss was life’s gain.

And when my time is over

When I’ve been called home

I’ll be wearing my resurrection clothes

I’ll be rejoicing at the stone.

For my tomb will be empty

My stone will be moved

His death gave me life

This is my Truth.

No words will be needed

To try and explain

The impossible made possible

His loss was my gain.

His death took my pain

Nailed it to the cross

He took it to the cross.

He died for me

He rose for me


Jesus came for me.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29, 2017

What the Lord Requires

“He has showed you, O man, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  Micah 6:8

Israel is on trial before the Lord in chapter 6 of Micah.  The first verse clues us in when the Lord say, ‘Stand up, plead your case before the mountains, let the hills hear what you have to say.’  God presses His charges against Israel, claiming the people’s disobedience to His commands.  Yet the Lord had not abandoned His people.  This may strike a familiar chord with us – for we have disobeyed the Lord’s commands and yet He has not abandoned us.

The prophet Micah goes on to declare what God does want, after he let Israel know that the sacrifices and burnt offerings were in and of themselves missing the point.  And so God makes His point and it is an eternal point.  His command, if you will, traces through the rest of the Bible.  Israel was to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Jesus declares something similar in Luke 11:42, which states, ‘Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue, and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God.  You should have done the latter without neglecting the former.’

The message hasn’t changed for followers of Jesus.  Today we are called act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

November 28, 2017

The Unseen is Eternal

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”  2 Cor. 4:18

An ancient Jewish practice was to engage in a visualized prayer of Ezekiel 1:15-28 – the wheels and living creatures and brilliant colors all leading up to the throne and the “appearance of the likeness of the glory of God.”  It is a great example of what it means to fix our eyes on the unseen.  The unseen dimension is the eternal dimension.  Sometimes God blesses us by showing us glimpses of the eternal dimension.  When that happens, we are usually undone by it.

This spiritual discipline is always helpful; however, one of its great benefits is when we are struggling.  When we are in the midst of illness, tragedy, loss, grief – the benefit of focusing on things eternal is the great encouragement we need.  The things we can see will not last.  Why focus on what won’t last?  Jesus says as much in Matthew’s gospel.  Seek first the Kingdom of God and all its righteousness – because that will last.  When we do that, our Lord tells us “all these things will be added unto us.”  He may even show us a wheel, a throne, or the appearance of the likeness of the glory of God.  And we will be undone by it.

Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27, 2017

Cooperating with God

“They replied, ‘Let us start rebuilding.  So they began this good work.”  Neh. 2:18

In Neh. 2:17-18 it was evident that the walls and gates were destroyed.  Nehemiah encouraged the people to rebuild, which they agreed to do.  The word build in Hebrew is “banah” and means to repair, set up, and build for future generations.  When the broken walls are rebuilt, it is not just for us, but for future generations!

When we say yes to the Lord’s invitation to rebuild, it is not easy.  We don’t know how long it will take, the obstacles we may face, and the process may be painful.  Some people may not want broken areas healed and restored because it is inviting the unknown into our lives: health, wholeness, new thoughts and behaviors.  Temptations may creep in; when that happens we must remind ourselves that God will not let us be “tempted beyond what we can bear,” according to 1 Cor. 10:13-14. 

Our example is Jesus.  John 6:38 records Jesus saying, “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of Him who sent me.”  Jesus came from heaven as the Word became flesh and dwelt among men,  He could have done anything – but chose to do only the will of His Father who sent Him on a mission to redeem a broken world (filled with broken walls).  This mission lasted all the way to the cross and in Matthew 26:39 Jesus in His humanity declared, “My Father, if it possible, may this cup be taken from Me.  Yet not as I will, but as You will.”  It is always our choice to respond to the Lord’s invitation.

Lord, am I ready to fully surrender and submit my will, so that Your will can be established?

Sunday, November 26, 2017

November 26, 2017

Walk Worthy

“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called…”  Eph. 4:1

Walking as we should is the focus of the remaining three chapters in the Book of Ephesians.  We have learned to sit first and receive all that the Lord has for us.  Next we learn to walk.  We can surmise this as having a heavenly rest in our position in Christ, and an earthly walk in our practical experiences.  For the remainder of this epistle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, we will find the word “walk” used eight times.  It is used to indicate how a believer conducts oneself.  As Christ deposits His character within us, we are called to “walk worthy of this calling.”  In this chapter we will examine the requirements of such a walk.

Chapter four begins with Paul’s exhortation to walk worthy of the calling.  He then immediately follows that exhortation with instructions in verses 2 and 3:

  • Walk with lowliness and gentleness;
  • Longsuffering;
  • Bearing with one another in love; and,
  • Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

  • We begin by examining these terms and what they mean for our conduct.  Lowliness is in Greek a “humble mind,” and implies humility. 
  • Gentleness means meekness, and is best defined as power under control.
  • Longsuffering means patience and forbearance.
  • Bearing is enduring, defined as holding up in the action of love.
  • Endeavoring is the same word in Greek, which means eager and diligent; in the context of verse 3, it is read as one’s diligence and desire to keep the unity of the Holy Spirit in peace.

Paul then employs the word “one” a total of seven times in the next three verses.  Let’s take a look at what he is referencing:

  • One body
  • One Spirit
  • One hope
  • One Lord
  • One faith
  • One baptism
  • One God and Father of all.

Believers are called to endeavor to keep unity because we operate from the foundational premise of: one.  We are all called to be as one: one body, known as the church, with Christ Jesus as the head.  Millions of Christians around the world are called to oneness. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

November 25, 2017

God’s Masterpiece

“When they see among them their children, the work of My hands, they will keep My name holy…” Isa. 29:23

The palette of God’s splendor
He uses to paint across the sky
Words of love go unspoken
A love He has opened wide.

We sit in awe and wonder
The Lord reveals the truth to each
To me He gently whispers
“You are my unfinished masterpiece.”

As the sun sets across the ocean
Water so calm and serene
There is trust in each wave coming
To walk on the waters of Galilee.

O Father how we love You
All created nature You use to teach
The message of Your magnificence is
We are Your unfinished masterpiece.

There is room left on Your canvas
Many colors to create
And it is in my incompleteness
That I praise what You have made.

An unfinished masterpiece
A work of art in Your hand
It will be kingdom come
Until You are done
A child of the promise I stand
I am Your unfinished masterpiece

Friday, November 24, 2017

November 24, 2017

God's Family

“Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”  Gal. 4:7

Paul provides for us an eloquent presentation of family.  In these verses the following truths are contained:

  • As children, heirs are no different than slaves;
  • When we were children, we were under guardians;
  • We were also under the “elements of the world;”
  • Then God sent His Son, who was “born under the law;”
  • Jesus redeemed us who were also “under the law;”
  • His act of redemption brought about our adoption;
  • We have been adopted as sons and daughters of God;
  • Because of the adoption, God placed His Spirit of His Son into our hearts;
  • This Holy Spirit allows us to cry out Abba, meaning Father;
  • As a result, we are slaves no more, but sons and daughters; and
  • Since we are children of God, we are also heirs of God through Christ.

The question is, do we believe it?  Do we believe, apprehend, and pull down over us these precious truths that we have gone from slaves to sons and heirs?  Consider this:

  • A slave has a master;
  • A son has a Father;
  • A son KNOWS his Father;
  • A son knows he is an heir; and,
  • An heir has an inheritance.

Beloved, receive this truth into your hearts and minds today!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 23, 2017

The Time for Esthers

“After these things King Xerxes promoted Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him and set his seat above all the princes who were with him.” Esther 3:1

The name Haman means “magnificent.”  God created this man to be magnificent, but sin corrupted him.  It is noteworthy to see the origin of Haman.  He was an Agagite.  Agagite means “fiery one.” Most Biblical scholars conclude that Haman was a descendant of Agag, king of Amalek.  The conflict between the Amalekites and Israelites is well-documented.  The conflict began in Exodus 17:16, after the Jewish people had escaped from Egypt and were attacked by the Amalekites.  It continued in 1 Samuel 15 when king Saul, a Benajmite, conquered the Amalekites, yet failed to kill them all, as God had required in Dt. 25:17-19.  Thus, the Amalekites remained, and some 500 years after Saul’s attack, the Benjamite Mordecai faces the Amalekite Haman, fulfilling Scripture found in Ex. 17:16 that declared the Lord would “be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation.  Haman issued the “devil’s decree” to the king when he said in Esther 3:8-9: “There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from all other people, and they do not keep the king’s laws.  Therefore, it is not fitting for the king to let them remain.  If it pleases the king, let a decree be written that they be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those who do the work to bring it into the king’s treasuries.”  A certain people: the church today.  Scattered and dispersed within the kingdom: the church today.  Different laws from a higher kingly authority: the church today.  The devils’ decree to destroy:  the church today.  Payment for destruction of: the church today!

God we thank You for the Esthers of our generation who rise up to confront the powers of darkness by the dunamis power of the Holy Spirit!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November 22, 2017

Scripture Fulfilled

“Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”  Lk. 4:21

Jesus rolled up the scroll, from which He had just read Isaiah 61.  He had intentionally stopped at the verse that proclaimed the year of the Lord’s favor.  Then He gave the scroll back and spoke the words that shattered perceptions and turned things upside down for those inside the synagogue.  “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fulfilled the Scripture in Isaiah and He is the fulfillment of all Scripture.  The word of God points to Him and is completed in Him, by Him and through Him.  When we read our Bibles and look for Jesus in the text, we are on the right track.   Jesus is the word that became flesh and dwelled among humanity.

It remains the year of the Lord’s favor.  Jesus is still preaching the good news – and He is doing it through His chosen people.  He is still proclaiming freedom to the captives and releasing the oppressed.  He is still recovering sight for the blind.  Jesus is still at work and loves to work through us. 

King Jesus, thank You for fulfilling Scripture.  Thank You for Your heart of love and compassion.  Thank You for Your long reach into the depths and the dark places to recover, repair and restore.  Thank You for this year of the Lord’s favor.  Thank You for Your word that we can step into and experience in our own lives.  All praise and honor and glory belong to You!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

November 21, 2017


“Much dreaming and many words are meaningless.  Therefore stand in awe of God.”  Eccl. 5:7

There’s not much left to say

Nothing more to do

Actions speak for themselves

Our God will see us through.

It’s simply time to stand.

He is in control

Righteousness and truth

Love and mercy meet

Among adult and youth.

It’s simply time to stand.

Now it’s time to stand

Woman, child and man

Together, hand in hand

Nothing more than to stand.

We worship O Lord

We exalt You where You stand

We seek Your face God

Obedient to Your commands

We rise up and stand.

In Your presence and Your glory

Let us simply stand

To honor and adore You

It’s simply time to stand.

Now is the time

Come, let us stand.

Monday, November 20, 2017

November 20, 2017

Love One Another

“By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”  John 13:35

Several years ago we visited a women’s correctional facility in North Carolina.  I can recall the details because of an e-mail that has been in a file folder all this time.  We had been to the facility previously and the turnout for the programs was always quite high.  One woman had enrolled in our correspondence Bible Study program and had worked her way through numerous studies in a short time.  Her answers to each lesson were well thought out and filled with optimism and hope, despite some very challenging circumstances.

We had received permission to recognize this woman and honor her dedication and commitment at this visit.  We purchased a Study Bible and at the end of our program, in front of 95 women, we spoke of this woman’s diligence and perseverance and then called her forward to receive this gift.  The woman was shocked and as she made her way to the front, all the women in the room and the staff stood to their feet, clapping and cheering for her.  She cried, they cried, we call cried. 

It was a moment of love.  Biblical love is an action rather than a feeling.  It doesn’t happen very often in a correctional setting where everyone displays love for another person, but it happened that day.  Staff showed love.  Fellow offenders showed love.  The ministries in the room showed love.  The woman who was the recipient showed love.  It was a great display of unity, maturity and respect.  If someone had walked into the room, they would have recognized love.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

November 19, 2017

Trust in the Lord

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”  Pvbs. 3:5

Upon becoming a Christian I thought my life would be trouble free.  It didn’t take long to find out differently!  After a few years of walking with the Lord, I was faced with a crisis that threw me off course and challenged my faith.  My weaknesses quickly rose to the surface.  I was leaning left and leaning right; I was leaning on my own understanding and struggling to lean on God’s.

I went off track because of life’s events and because I focused on the problem rather than my Savior.  I forgot to trust in Him with all my heart.  I had a choice to make:  get back on track with what I focused on; or stay in the downward spiral.  I decided to get back on track by following Jesus and trusting in Him – even thought things looked bleak.

Wrapped in the loving arms of a forgiving Savior, I found that safe place once again.  It was Jesus who picked me up, dusted me off, and led me back to that path of His righteousness.  He carried me when I couldn’t walk and when I wouldn’t walk.  He cleared a path for me when I saw was a forest.  He didn’t leave me.  He loved me.

Thank You Jesus, for Your grace beyond measure and Your glory beyond description.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

November 18, 2017

Children of Promise

“Now you brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.”  Gal. 4:28

For we are the children of promise

We are the clay in His hand.

Our sins have long been forgiven

Sealed and anointed we stand.

For we are the children of promise

Our debt canceled on the cross.

We live under the blood of the Lamb

He is our Life and our Source.

We claim victory in Jesus

We claim healing in His Name.

We claim victory in Jesus

Through Him is all we have gained.

For we are the children of promise

We are the branches of His Vine.

Lord shape us and use us

Our lives are Yours to refine.

We claim victory in Jesus

We power in His Name.

We claim victory in Jesus

We stand rejoicing at His Name.

Friday, November 17, 2017

November 17, 2017

Wash and Be Clean

“And his servants came to him and said, ‘My father, if the prophet had told you to do something great, would you not have done it?  How much more then, when he says to you, “Wash and be clean?  2 Kings 5:13”

We may recognize this as the story of Naaman, mighty military commander of the Syrian army, who also happened to be a leper.  Naaman had an encounter with the prophet Elisha, which Naaman did not receive well initially.  He was furious at the instruction he was given by Elisha (through a messenger) – go and wash seven times in the Jordan, his flesh would be restored and he would be clean.  It was only after Naaman’s servants talked to him that he actually obeyed the word of the man of God and THEN was healed.   Beloved, how often have we had to take the first step of obedience to something the Lord wanted us to do (which we did not understand AT ALL!) and yet, only AFTER we obeyed, did the “healing” come to us? 

Naaman’s story is our story.  The washing he received in the Jordan symbolizes the washing we receive in “living waters” when we are baptized.  Especially as it relates to cleansing of sin (which was thought to be the reason for leprosy in the time of Naaman), the Hebrew word “rachats” (washing) takes on new meaning when we consider the implications of washing, purification, and immersion into water through the act of baptism.  It is also very important to be aware that spiritual washing occurs before natural washing, or baptism, as different Greek words are used to indicate the different actions. Baptizo is the word for baptize, which was and remains a declaration of a Christian’s testimony for Christ. For the early church, salvation and baptism were often simultaneous, reflecting both a spiritual and natural washing.

Thanks be to God for His Son Jesus, whose blood washes us clean!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

November 16, 2017

Praising at Midnight

“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.  And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened and every one’s bands were loosed.”  Acts 16:25-27

In this passage we find Paul and Silas arrested, beaten and jailed.  Verses 25 -27 states: “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.  And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened and every one’s bands were loosed.”  The prison guard panicked, but Paul reassured him by having all the inmates remain in the cells.  The guard and his family gave their lives to Jesus right then and there! 

As the judge set Paul and Silas free the next day, Paul refused to leave.  He demanded that the same men who threw him and Silas into jail would come and remove them from jail.  And thus it was done.  We have an image of the resulting power of prayer and praise shaking the foundation and freeing the imprisoned.  Praise is an effective spiritual weapon!

As we dig a little deeper into this remarkable testimony, a few things may jump out at us.  In Acts 16:25 we find Paul and Silas are in prison at midnight.  As they pray and “sing hymns” (humneo, in Greek) to God, there is an earthquake that shook the foundations of the prison, opened all the prison doors, and loosened the chains off every offender.  Observe the following facts in this scenario:

  • It is midnight – the middle of the night; for some of us it is our darkest hour.
  • Paul and Silas choose to praise at midnight – drawing the attention of others.
  • Their “sacrifice of praise” prompted God’s response!
    • Prison doors opened
    • Prison chains fell off
    • The warden and his whole family gave his life to Christ
    • The warden served Paul and Silas

That is what the sacrifice of praise can do.  It can unlock, unchain and unleash!  Our praise invokes God’s presence and His power.  Ps. 22:3 states that “God inhabits the praises of His people.” We see that this is often the way the Lord works, in our lives, and in all of creation.  He is turning things upside down, choosing the least likely to work through, and yes, using the imprisoned to set their captors free, in the mighty name of Jesus!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15, 2017

Time for Love

“Later when I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of My garment over you and covered your nakedness,  I gave you My solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign Lord, and you became Mine.”  Ezk. 16:8

It had been a long time, years in fact.  She had sat in that place for so long that she had forgotten what the outside “free world” looked like.  She hadn’t wanted to come to the program that day.  Her cellmate convinced her it would be a good thing.  If nothing else, she would be out of the cell for an hour or so.

So she came and sat with her arms crossed and her body half slumped against the back of the chapel pew.  She looked completely disinterested, at times yawning to emphasize the point.  Through the choir singing, she sat motionless.  The announcements and upcoming events generated no response.  Finally, it was time for the message.  The speaker began to share the word of God.  The woman’s reaction was unchanged.

Heaven’s vantage point was dramatically different.  They must have seen a woman who was ready for love – God’s love.  Heaven could see what was going on inside the woman’s heart.  Her outward appearance to everyone else was anything but attentive.  Yet heaven saw something in her.

The next moment an invitation to accept Christ was given and the woman – this woman who hadn’t wanted to come – she raised her hand and stood up.  Tears began to flow.  She and a few others came forward.  They prayed and the Lord’s garment covered them.  The woman’s nakedness had been lovingly, kindly covered.  There was an oath and covenant given by God through Jesus to this woman.  She was His, and she was loved.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

November 14, 2017

Redeeming Time and Opportunity

“Be very careful then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”  Eph. 5:15-16

Such amazing Christian graces are given to us.  As I studied this verse, ”opportunity" in the original Greek means "kairos" or opportune time , set time, appointed, time, due time, definitive time, seasonable time, proper time for action.   We are encouraged to redeem the time, exercise good stewardship and make the most of the opportunities given to us.  The indication here is to buy back every precious wasted minute. 

This makes us understand that God has made us to be good stewards over "time".   The choice to use time wisely, constructively, and in the worship and service of our Lord will bring glory to God.  

We can particularly see this verse reach out at us, knowing we are able right now to redeem time, wasted time, and start over and know that God wants our time to be spent in the "vineyard".  It is meant for such a time as this.  For whatever endeavor that is good and fruitful that the Lord has placed on your heart for now.  There are countless worthy endeavors in the "vineyard" where fruits grow. In the spiritual sense fruits of the Spirit grow.  Knowing each day you can redeem any time wasted and turn it around and serve where we can spread the Gospel message , help feed the homeless, visit a sick neighbor, speak a kind and encouraging Word to someone at the workplace, at the market, encouraging our spouses, enlightening our children with the Word, or whatever worthy endeavor.   Wherever God may bring you and invite you to redeem time.   

Think about your workplace.  For example, I work at a special education school.   The teens have many issues of mental strongholds.  Silently, in the Spirit I am able to pray all day long for each and every one of the students and lay my hands on their desks and pray that the Lord will free them and deliver them from any strongholds that threaten to undo them.  I am using the spiritual weapons of HIS WORD to conquer all forces of evil in their lives.  I give God all Honor and Glory and Praise for such an opportunity.  Such amazing Christian graces are given to us.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!

Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017

It Was Good

“God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.  And there was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day.”    Gen 1:31

God spoke and God created and it was established and it was good.  In my life have things been spoken and created and established and declared good.

God said, “I will heal her,” and it was so and it was good.

God said, “Your family will know the Lord,” and it was so and it is good.

God said, “You will do for Me what I have been preparing you for all this time,” and it was so and it is good.

God said, “Your heart will be healed,” and it was so and it is good.

God said, “I will grant you the desires of your heart,” and it was so and it is good.

Our Father speaks and creates.  He establishes and declares.  In the space between speaking and establishing, He prepares His people.  May we be willing to receive all that He has for us.