Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19th, 2018

Free from the Spirit of Fear

 “…we have not been given the spirit of fear; but of power, love, and a sound mind.”  2 Tim. 1:7

Fear that begins to control our thinking and decision-making is unhealthy and masks us in our relationships with God, others, and ourselves.  We all will encounter fear in life – in and of itself, fear is not a problem.  Read what happens when fear goes unchecked in a life.

“I remember sitting with two other women as we shared our lives.  As I was describing what it was like to try and live a “normal” life with seizures, one woman listened intently and when I finished, said to me, ‘You must be afraid of being afraid.’  Those words went through me like a sword.  I had never thought of it that way!  Yet, as I processed her words, the enormity of her sentence became clear.  At age nineteen, I had barely paid attention to the first seizure.  Over time and episodes, fear began to creep in, undetected and unresolved.  I was determined to persevere – all on my own strength!  More years passed; there was more activity, and more fear.  It had crept up on me, snuck in, and comfortably grown – until I was at a point of being afraid of being afraid, that I might have another seizure.  Fear had such a grip on me it became a spirit – no longer just a momentary feeling – but a regular visitor of my mind.  I don’t remember when fear became a stronghold in my life.  I only remember the words of that wise woman that day, and how the spirit of fear was broken and lost its grip on me.”

The Bible gives us God’s response to the spirit of fear:  NO!  2 Timothy 1:7 states that “we have not been given the spirit of fear; but of power, love, and a sound mind.”  Let us take this oft-quoted verse and break it down to see what God is fully revealing to His faithful saints.  We have not a spirit of fear; instead we have:

Ø  Power

Ø  Love

Ø  A sound mind

We have the Trinity in operation in our lives, according to this Scripture.  For it is by the Holy Spirit’s power, our Father’s love, and the mind of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior, that we are overcomers and can walk victoriously.  If we allow the truth to soak, seep, and enter our spirits – power, love, a sound mind – power, love, a sound mind - power, love, and a sound mind; be prepared to be set free in the name of Jesus!

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