The Power of Silence
“He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth.” Isa. 53:7
This passage prophetically provides the
choices, thoughts, and behaviors of the Suffering Servant Jesus, and this is
fulfilled in Matthew 26:63 and 27:12-14.
Mt. 26:63 – Jesus kept silent after the
accusations of two false witnesses;
Lk. 23:9 – Jesus kept silent when Herod asked
him many questions; and,
- Mt. 27:12-14 – Jesus did not respond to the accusations of the chief priests, elders, and of Pilate.
Jesus remained silent in the face of
accusations, false charges, and false witnesses. In
Mt. 26:59-63, we read that the chief priests, elders and council tried to find
false testimony by false witnesses, in order to put Jesus to death. Two false witnesses came forward and in
response to the high priest’s questioning, Jesus kept silent. In
Mt. 27:12-14, when the Pilate was questioning Jesus in response to the false
accusations, Jesus said nothing. In M.t
27:15-16, when the crowd yelled out for Barabbas to live, and Jesus to die,
Jesus said nothing. He chose to keep
quiet and not respond, even when the beatings, whippings, and scourging took
In Lk. 23:9, Jesus refused to ask the many
questions of Herod, who was hoping to see a miracle. And, as He hung on a cross, Jesus asked His
Father to forgive those who had persecuted Him. He did this intentionally to fulfill every
prophecy and to take upon Himself all sin, that those who believe in Him could
be set free and live.
Can we relate on some small level to what Jesus suffered? There are times when accusations are plaguing us and the taunting and mocking of others is an issue in our lives. There can also be times when we are hated, despised, forsaken, or beaten. At those moments it can be disarming to the enemy to simply say nothing. When we let Jesus be our defense, we are in the best position! There is power in silence. There is power in overcoming evil with good. There is power in meekness. Beloved, may you discover the power of Jesus as your defender and advocate!
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