Trained for War
"Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle." Ps. 144:1
Beloved, we are in a battle! There is a war that rages with constant
conflict between good and evil, light and darkness. Here is the good news: THE BATTLE HAS BEEN FOUGHT AND THE BATTLE HAS
BEEN WON! Our job is to appropriate and enforce the
victory. Jesus has fought the battle and triumphed! The defeated forces of darkness
would have us believe we have not won.
This is a lie. The truth is that
a man, who shed His blood for us, secured victory on a hill. The truth is the death of Jesus Christ at
Calvary secured our victory. There, the
battle was fought. There, at Golgotha,
it was won. There, Jesus said, “It is finished.” The burial of His body allowed Him to descend
into the depths to take the keys of Hades and of Death. His resurrection was the demonstration of His
authority, power, and life. His
ascension to sit at the right hand of His Father and mediate on our behalf in
intercession is the evidence of His eternal life, and representation of us to
King David wrote a song of praise
in Psalm 144, as he thanked the Lord for training his hands for war and his
fingers for battle. In the days of
David, the war was fought in the natural.
For believers today, the war is fought in the spiritual. For our purposes, we want to glean spiritual
truths from the natural realities in the times of David, Nehemiah, and
Jehoshaphat. The battle continues – the
Lamb has achieved our victory. Let us go
forth in triumph!
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