The Greater Gift
"But the gift is not like the trespass. For if many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!" Rom. 5:15
Paul compares the one man Adam to the one man Jesus and finds there is no comparison. It is like comparing a gift to a trespass. Have you ever gone into a "no trespassing zone?" That is in a sense what Adam did in the garden when he sinned against God and his one sin ushered in spiritual death.
Along came Jesus, sent by God as the greatest grace gift the world has known. He entered a "no trespassing zone" too - called the cross, where He took all the sin of humanity upon Himself. He did this so that all who believe would be given spiritual life. The death sentence was removed by Jesus. He was the only One who could enter that particular "no trespassing zone." In doing so, He gave us the gift of eternal life.
Paul was right. The gift is not like the trespass. The gift far outweighs the trespass. The gift is all-surpassing in its power and effect. The gift is Jesus, the Light of the World and the Way and the Truth and The Life. What is your response to Jesus today?
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