Returning to Thank Jesus
"One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him - and he was a Samaritan." Lk. 17:15-16
It is as if this could be a scientific study indicating one out ten who are healed stop to thank and praise their Healer. In a way, it is what happened in this encounter between Jesus and a group of ten men who had leprosy. So many things are striking about this encounter. First, Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, yet he makes this "detour" if you will. Surely He was following His Father's instructions. So Jesus comes across this group of men with leprosy, and we know at least one of mean is a Samaritan. This is also striking, as Jews would not have interactions with Samaritans. Jesus went where others would not go. He went at the direction of His Father.
During this brief exchange, Jesus does not cast out anything, nor have His garment touched. He simply responds to the request of the men by saying, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." A test, perhaps, to see their level of faith. For it was as they went that they were cleansed. This too, is striking.
After this, one of the ten men realizes what happened and he abruptly stops. He turns back and begins to praise God, rather loudly. Who knows, he might have caused a scene. He sees Jesus, throws himself at Jesus feet (remember, he is a Samaritan), and thanks Jesus. The Kingdom has come in these moments - the rule and reign of God in this Samaritan's life. He knows it and he is thankful for it, because it changes - everything.
Have you struggled with feeling like you don't belong, don't fit in, or aren't part of the "in crowd?" Beloved, Jesus says something different - you do belong, you do fit in, and He wants you to be part of His crowd. Stop - right now. Turn around and focus on praising God. You have permission to get a little loud. Place yourself at the feet of Jesus and thank Him for coming for You.
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