Sunday, July 22, 2018

July 22, 2018

Times of Refreshing

“Repent then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord…” Acts 3:19

Peter is exhorting the crowd.  People from all around the Temple had gathered after witnessing them healing a beggar who was lame.  We can imagine the audience hanging on every word, as Peter says – repent, turn, and your sins will be wiped out.  That is good news!  In fact, it is great news!  Turn to God with a repentant heart and our sins will be forgiven?!  That is fantastic.  Yet, Peter does not stop there.  He has the boldness, given to him by the Holy Spirit, to then say that times of refreshing will come.

My grandmother used to always offer dessert to guests in her home.  In particular, she liked to make sure her grandchildren had their dessert.  She would take down a bowl, cut a piece of cake, put a cookie alongside the cake, then get some ice cream and put it on top.  We thought we were royalty with a dessert like that!  Likewise, Peter is letting us know that when we repent and turn to God, it is like getting that bowl with cake and a cookie – our sins are wiped out.  The ice cream on top is the time of refreshing that the Lord will give His people.

Maybe the analogy isn’t ideal, but hopefully we get the point.  As we journey through this life with Jesus, we are waiting.  We are waiting for His return, for the complete restoration of all things, for the fulfillment of the new heaven and earth – the new creation finalized, if you will.  Waiting can be tedious and sometimes challenging.  While we wait we are promised these times of complete refreshing – like a cold drink on a hot day, or yes, ice cream on top of cake.  We will have moments when we are rejuvenated spiritually (or physically).  We will have times when glee and joy leap into our hearts and settle.  There will be times where we “taste and see that the Lord is good.”

I would have settled for having my sins wiped out – because it’s such tremendous news.  But my kind and gracious Father has decided to add in times of refreshing to my life.  I am so glad and thankful that He did.

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