Friday, July 13, 2018

July 13th, 2018

A Friend

“A friend loves at all times.”  Pvbs. 17:17

A good friend is a great listener.  A good friend is humble enough to want to listen!  A true friend supports, encourages, uplifts, and gives comfort.  A good friend builds up and doesn’t tear down.  Yet a real friend will confront when necessary; confront the other friend about something without making that friend wrong. 

Solid, enduring friendships include some similar objectives - such as working for the Creator.   “Establish the work of our hands.”  (Psalm 90:17)  The work itself can be most different - from intercession to teaching to missional.   The objective remains the same:  being an obedient servant to our Lord Jesus Christ. 

A good friend is a prayer partner.  Our closest friends know that we keep them in prayer for things both general and specific.  Friends are great intercessors because they are privy to the minutiae of our lives.  The ability to ask for prayer about the most intimate things in our lives is a wonderful gift.  True friends pray for one another, for one another’s families, and for the situations that come up in life - the highs and the lows. God hears those prayers and He responds. 

Friendship includes laughter, and lots of it.  It is a journey with countless adventures and indelible memories. Friends rejoice together and cry together.  Friendship is part of the healing balm of God.  Friendship is love defined, love expressed, for “a friend loves at all times.”   (Proverbs 17:17)  Friendship is Jonathan and David; Ruth and Naomi.  The ultimate friend is Jesus Christ, who commanded us: “Love each other as I have loved you.  Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.  (John 15:13)  With Jesus by my side and a few true friends in my life, I am truly blessed.

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