Sunday, July 15, 2018

July 15th, 2018

Entering the Gates

“Enter into His gate with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.”  Ps. 100:4

The psalmist gives us instruction: “Enter into His gate with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.”  We see the combination of thanksgiving and praise, associated with entering into the gates and courts of the presence of God.

We are told to enter His gates with thanksgiving.  A modern day analogy might be coming to the prison entrance, where the front gate is located.  Prayer warriors can be interceding and declaring the correctional facility is place where the gates are the entrance points for God’s power and authority! The word thanksgiving is “todah” (#8426 Strong’s) and incorporates into its meaning the following wonderful elements as defined below.

Thanksgiving is the giving of worship by extending one’s hand in adoration or agreement.  It is frequently associated with the offering of a sacrifice (such as sacrifice of praise or thankfulness).  As we confess thankfulness to God for what we have and what we do not yet have, but believe God for, we extend our right hand up to Father, who throughout the Bible has extended His right hand to us.  We come into agreement with God and with His Word.  Beloved, this unleashes supernatural power!  We agree, we confess, we believe!  We pray with a heart of thankfulness to God and we offer it to Him as a spiritual sacrifice.  He hears us.  He sees us.  He delights is us.  He meets us.  HE MEETS US.  Our right hands meet in covenant agreement. 

At this point, we have now passed the prison gates.  As thankfulness overtakes us, Psalm 100 guides us to next “enter His courts with praise.”  A court is a courtyard or enclosure.  In the Tabernacle of Moses, there was the pattern given by God to Moses for the habitation for Yahweh, including the gate and the courts (outer and inner courts). 

If we apply this to a correctional facility, we have now entered the gates with thanksgiving and come into the “yard,” or sanctuary, with praise.  Praise, or tehillah (#8416 Strong’s), is defined as a hymn, laudation, song of praise or exaltation.  It is also used to define God’s glory and praiseworthiness.  In Hebrew the Book of Psalms is the Tehillim.  The root word for praise in Hebrew is halal (#1984 Strong’s) and is the basis for the word hallelujah, which is giving glory to God.  Halal means to be bright, to shine, to boast, to celebrate, and to glorify.  Its very essence is the concept of radiance.   

We have arrived at the prison, passed through the open gates, entered into its sanctuary, and praise God.  We move from thankfulness to praise:  we celebrate, rejoice, boast about the Lord and what He has done, and we glorify His name which is above all names.  We exalt the name of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior – so that as His name is lifted up, men and women will be drawn to Him.  We will be drawn to someone bigger than ourselves, greater than our problems, stronger than our weaknesses.  We lift up His name and He lifts up our heads to gently feed us His word.  It is a love from everlasting to everlasting.

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