Tuesday, August 22, 2017

August 22, 2017

The Prudent One

“A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.”  Pvbs. 22:3

If only life came with visual danger signs.  The ones we see on the side of the road with large red letters, warning us of trouble ahead.  When we read the signs, we can avert disaster by re-directing our cars and taking a different route to our destination.  It may take a bit longer, but it is safer.

The person with wisdom and prudence is the one who can discern with the Holy Spirit’s assistance that danger is ahead.  It is the man or woman who can “read the signs” of trouble and find a safe place to take refuge.  It is much like hearing the siren sound and taking cover, because tornadoes are in the area.  People head to the safest place in their homes and they take cover. 

Conversely, the person lacking wisdom and discernment will not hear the siren and so continue about their day.  Or, some will hear the siren but calculate that they have enough time to do a couple more things before finding safety.  They keep going and suffer for it.

The person struggling with addiction drives through a section of town well known for its local drug dealers.  The decision to stop for lunch there or delay the lunch until the next town is the evidence of heeding wisdom.  Example after example brings us to the same point:  are we seeing the warning signs are we taking refuge?

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