Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 23, 2017

Save the Best

“…Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but You have saved the best till now.”  John 2:10

It is fascinating that the first recorded “sign” in John’s gospel is this one; the turning of water into wine at a wedding.  It is filled with imagery and symbolism.  The wedding background makes us think of the wedding supper that awaits us as described in Revelation.  The water being turned into wine is representative of what happens to every person who encounters Jesus – they are changed and transformed into “new creations in Christ Jesus.”  We are changed when we confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, instantly, from water into wine, using this example.

It is interesting that when the master tasted the water/wine, he turned to talk to the bridegroom.  He didn’t talk to Jesus, or to the servants drawing the water.  He went right to the groom and gave him praise.  In this sign, Jesus is operating behind the scenes and is the groom who gets recognized.  We can again think forward to Jesus as our Bridegroom.  The master lauds the effort of the groom who saved the best for last.  The finest wine was served at the latter stages of the feast, rather than the beginning.

We cannot help but think of Jesus.  In John’s gospel, Jesus is considered “the last” and He is “the best.”  Jesus was Israel’s rescue and salvation, to be extended to encompass the world.  He was and is the best, the choicest, and the first fruits.  The next verse sums this sign up perfectly: this first miraculous sign revealed His glory and His disciples put their faith in Him.  That is what happens when we find the Son of God who has been lovingly waiting for us.  We meet; we are changed; the Lord’s glory is revealed; and we put our faith in Him.  We drink from the finest at last.

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