Saturday, September 23, 2017

September 23, 2017

The Word Fulfilled

 “The people of Jerusalem and their rulers did not recognize Jesus, yet in condemning Him they fulfilled the words of the prophets that are read every Sabbath.”  Acts 13:27

It was quite a message and it had quite an impact upon its hearers.  Paul and his companions were standing in a synagogue in Pisidian Antioch.  After the reading of the law and prophets, it was customary to ask visiting guest if they had a word for the people.  Paul took the lead and began the rich story of the rich history of the people God had called and chosen, Israel.  All was going well right up through King David and then Paul, in Acts 13:23, took what many in the synagogue might have considered a sharp turn.  He leapt from David to Jesus and he told the people that God brought to Israel the Savior Jesus, as He had promised.  Both the law and the prophets pointed to a Messiah, coming out from the line of David.  Paul told the hearers that this Messiah was, and is, Jesus – and that God brought Jesus to Israel.

Then in verse 27 we read another startling statement:  Israel failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah and in Israel’s condemnation came the fulfillment of the word of the prophets that had been read in the Temple and the synagogue every Sabbath.  They had heard, but not understood.  They had seen, but not believed.  Scripture had declared a Messiah would come to save His people.  Scripture had predicted Israel would not accept the Messiah, but reject Him.  Scripture had pointed forward to that rejection allowing the light to shine forth upon the Gentiles.

The people called Israel were, and are, part of God’s foreordained plan to reach the Gentiles.  God worked through Israel to announce the good news that salvation had come to everyone.

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