Tuesday, February 20, 2018

February 20, 2018

The River of Life

 “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.”  Ps. 46:4

While vacationing in Vermont a group of friends and I were driving alongside a river.  It was a beautiful day and after quite some time one of us suggested stopping to walk down by it.  So we agreed to stop, and made that decision to pull over, get out of the car, walk down and take a look at part of God’s creation.  It would have been easy to keep driving; to think about stopping but choose otherwise; to find an excuse not to get out of the car.  We exercised our free will and chose to stop, to get out, to walk down and to see firsthand this river.  For the Giver of Life created the River of Life.

Once we were down to the banks of the river, we took some time to admire the force of nature and God’s precious handiwork.  Even though it was summer, the water was still quite chilly.  We first dipped our hands in the water, and then off came our sneakers and socks so we could put a foot in.  The water running over our feet felt so refreshing and invigorating.  As we looked out at the river itself, we could see the places where the water was gentle and quiet.  We could also spot the places where the current was most strong, forcing itself over rocks and running headlong downstream.  A separate bank, or jetty, was in the middle of the river and it was there that the rapids were the most severe.  As we looked and pondered there was a silence among use.  Finally the silence was broken when it was suggested:  we really need to go into the river.  It’s not enough to just stand here on the bank.  And it’s not enough to put a foot in – even both feet in.  We need to get out there – right in the middle and experience this river. 

We determined to reach the jetty and so had the cross the first section of the river to reach it.  The going was slippery and slow.  At one point someone fell and was banged up.  Still, we kept our eyes on that place by the jetty where the current was strongest.  It seemed to be our place of invitation – and so we moved forward.  Despite the setback, we persevered and eventually made our way to the jetty and the rapids.

We first spent a few minutes in the quieter section of the river, splashing and playing around, before making our way into the stronger current.  Each of us occupied a special place – and there we praised God for His gift of the river.  We prayed to Him, we prayed for each other and at one point the sun broke out in fullness from behind a cloud.  It shone on our faces and we looked up in awe and wonder.   God had deeply blessed us, as we entered into His presence, into the living water which flowed over us with His grace and power.

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