Sunday, October 1, 2017

October 1, 2017

Keep on Praying

“For some time he refused.  But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually wear me out with her coming!”  Lk. 18:4-5

I love the parable of the persistent widow.  Jesus paints a picture of persistence in prayer.  We have no idea how many days, weeks, or months the woman kept coming back to the judge who did not care about her at all.  She faced regular rejection and yet she returned.  That is diligence and it will lead to good results in the end. 

The woman wanted justice.  There are so many people in our communities, our country, and in the world who daily cry out for justice.  This woman did her part by going and asking for justice.  Though the earthly judge refused her request, her heavenly Judge heard her cries and responded.  He moved the earthly judge to act.  We may question the motive of the local judge, but the bottom line is that he acted and the woman was granted justice.  God had intervened.  The woman had persevered.

Paul puts it this way – “pray without ceasing.”  Don’t stop praying until the burden is released or some answer arrives.  It is acceptable to continue to pray repeatedly for the same need, as this is exactly what the widow did.  It is not a lack of faith; in fact, Jesus calls it a show of faith.  Verse 8 shows Jesus asking the disciples if He will find faith on the earth when He returns.  Part of that faith is found in the persistent prayers of the righteous.  Friends, keep on praying!

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