Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December 12, 2017

Learning to Stay

"In all the days of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they would set out; but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out - until it lifted."  Ex. 40:36-37

Have you ever wanted the cloud to lift and move, so you could follow it?  Have you ever gotten out in front of the Lord  - off blazing a trail only to find out God was back at the tabernacle, so to speak?  It is a challenge for me to stay.  I am excited when God is moving and I sense He wants me to follow Him.  It has taken me to some fascinating locations and provided sacred moments.

It is much less exciting when the cloud stays right where it is at and doesn't move.  In those times I am learning to stay where God has me, and to do what He has asked me to do.  I have had seasons where the Lord wanted me home - to minister to my family as a wife and a mom.  In those seasons I have to remain focused on Him so I don't begin to move out ahead of Him.  There has come great joy in discovering the awesomeness of God in the daily routines of cooking, cleaning, laundry.  I find home is the place where I have some of the most sacred moments with God.

I am a sojourner and so I enjoy the experience of new travels and adventures.  The Lord is using that to teach me how to stay.

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